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Prophetic Paintings

 These paintings are not created in any specific venue or anything like that, but a lot of them are painted during church worship services, conferences or during my personal quiet times with Jesus.  What amazes me about what is created when I partner with Jesus is that He teaches me so much.  Many of these paintings I had absolutely no idea on how to paint them, but as I kept trying (and failing), He would slowly show me the technique needed to complete a piece.  Each work of art has it's own story and blessing, so go ahead, look through them and maybe even find encouragement.


Oh how Jesus loves speaking to the ones He loves (and yes, that's YOU)!  My hope is that, when you view these, you are freed to hear Him too, and create as well.  Whether that is with math, painting, writing, reading, running, whatever it is that brings you life, He speaks powerfully in these arenas and so many more!

Freedom Rider

acrylic paint and gesso on newsprint


There's something so captivating about horses, their beauty and grace has captivated those who listen since the beginning with this magical presence. This is an original painting that I created from a place of stillness and peace. Created on thin, treated paper, painted using acrylic paints. This is one piece that has contradictions built into it.


The thin paper was not made for acrylic paint and even when treated, was very fragile. Acrylic paint is the general-use paint that can go well with most surfaces, but it doesn't flow well so it is not usually used on thin supports. But captured on this fragile paper is an image of strength, an image of grace, an image of beauty that is timeless. Regardless of what life hands you, regardless of what your circumstances are, there is beauty and grace painted over your life. There is strength in weakness and beauty in the struggle.


On the Move.JPG
How I See You

acrylic paint and thread on canvas


 On the day I painted this, Jesus had been talking to me the previous week about how He sees us as His Beloveds. 

He said, "right now so many of my children see the battle raging and the highlighting of their failures to be faithful, good, patient, hopeful, etc.  But my beloved, this is how I see you.  Deeply dependent and expectant of My moves.  Deeply committed to My Word, deeply committed to rest.  This is how I see you, this is My Reality.  You amaze me in your commitment to Me, My heart is touched every time you chose Me, in small and big ways.  I love you more than you will ever know."


There are some details in the painting that were done by embroidery.  Psalm 139:12-14 say, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  He spoke to me about how much He loves to gaze at us, to see those places that He knit together beautifully and wonderfully, and admire His handiwork in us.

Freedom Rider.JPG
Lighting the Way

acrylic paint on canvas


One of the most fun paintings I've ever done, I painted this during a worship set at a great conference speaking about Jesus and creativity. The imagery for me is powerful because of what it meant to me personally, but I will not share that here because every person who has come up to me to tell me what they think of it has just as powerful connection to something about it, but it is always completely different! That's what I love about art, it speaks different things to different people, all equally powerful and unique.

Amid the Stormy Sea

acrylic paint on canvas


Done in a time where everything in my life seemed to be in absolute chaos, I came to a point where I asked Jesus what He was seeing, and He showed me this image.  He said, "I am your wave-calmer, I am your star-gazer, I am your hand-holder.  When the night goes dark and you feel overwhelmed, reach for me.  I calm your seas, I point you to the stars and I walk with you." 

This was done both at a conference and during a worship service the following day, it is 36x48".

Amid the Stormy Sea.JPG
Diving In.JPG
Diving In-SOLD

acrylic paint on canvas


There was a day at church where I had very little idea of what I was going to paint, but I knew it was going to be something with water and a person jumping in.  I told Jesus, "I don't know how to paint that", and He said, "that's ok, I'm going to teach you".  So He taught me how to do this in front of a couple hundred people!  All the adventures were had that day!

This painting is all about the risk of diving into who Jesus is and who He promises to continue to be throughout every risk and every season of uncertainty.  The question I asked myself while doing this painting is this: "Am I ready to dive in, not knowing what the outcome will be but simply knowing He is Good and will show up?"  The golden lines of His presence slowly come into existence in a much more radical way than before when we decide to leave the comfortable behind us.


watercolor and ink on watercolor paper


Done as a thank you for a friend, the word "Queen" replayed over and over in my mind as I made this with ink and watercolor.

Full Promise

tissue paper, watercolor paper and acrylic

on canvas


There are some hopes that hold a lot of promise in my life. Promises that bring me hope in anticipation of the good things that will come in my life, but sometimes I doubt that they will actually come to pass. This painting is all about God's Goodness. It is about how, when He speak a promise into our lives, it has the full weight of Heaven behind it already. It's not like He speaks it and then it's possible for Him to forget about it so it never happens (although it can feel that way too). When He makes a promise, in that word, he already has the intended fulfillment measured out and given to us. So in those times of doubt, of darkness, of discouragement, know that what He has promised is already yours, and you get to walk with Him in discovering how He planned for it to grow.


This painting is 24x36 inches, is not framed but is fully ready to be hung without a frame!  

Presence in Promise-SOLD

acrylic on canvas


From Becky L, owner of the painting:

"One of the most prominent things I’ve learned over these past three years is this:

Our healing is ever evolving and ever occurring. 24/7, 365. He is always working on something within me to help me actualize the potential he created me with from the beginning.....I was at Bridgeway and....Pastor Peter then called the artist, Riley Naylor, over to have her share what she was painting. Here is what she said:

”I was driving home from work one day this week just feeling spent, and feeling a grating in my soul that was like the dull throb of a toothache-just enough pain to drive you a little bit nuts. Out of tiredness I asked Jesus, “what’s going on?” And he showed me a picture of my heart with a bunch of patches on it, and those patches were promises. There were places on my heart where promises were placed that were healthy, the patches moving, breathing and flowing with my heart. But then there were places where the patches were old, worn, shrinking, constricting my heart as they withered. He spoke to me this:

“Come to me my storyteller, my battle-weary warrior, my faithful beloved. The hopes and promises I spoke over you have worn places in your heart raw because it has been a long-time coming and it hasn’t looked like what you expected or hoped. I see the broken places where you trust me despite disappointment.

My beloved, bring me those raw, disappointed pieces of promise and I will give you rest. The promises of your heart are not in vain, they are not there to tease you or jerk you around. My presence refreshes your hope in my goodness and faithfulness daily, otherwise your promises grow stale and begin to chafe. Bring me your hopes, rely on my peace, coat yourself with my Truth, because I am for you and I love you with a love that never stops half-way or is dependent on how you respond.”"

Within the first few sentences of what she spoke, tears started streaming down my face, and they kept coming so quickly that I couldn’t even wipe them away before more were there. I felt something I’ve never felt before...the presence of God so close that my chest started vibrating and my heart feeling warm within it.

The painting she created was extremely similar to what I had seen the night before in my vision. I just knew it was something I was supposed to have, and I found myself getting up out of my seat to go find Riley and ask her about it.

When I found her, I tearfully told her what I had seen the night before and how I felt such a connection to what she created. She then told me that this kind of painting isn’t her typical style due to how visceral it is, but when she asked him if that’s really what she was supposed to do, God told her she needed to paint it...she knew it was for someone very specific.

Long story short, this painting now hangs in my home and I see it so many times a day and can feel that vibration in my chest every single time. God is ALWAYS at work in me, healing places I didn’t know needed healing and places I didn’t know existed."

Commission for Conor M.

acrylic on canvas


To celebrate a birthday, this piece was done to included how fiercely Jesus is fighting for him and the new depths of relationship he will find with Holy Spirit this year. 

Commission for Matt A.

acrylic on canvas


This painting was done for someone who was celebrating a big milestone in his life and wanted to hear what Holy Spirit had to say about it.  I prayed, got this image and the verse of Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Done in acrylic paint on canvas.  24x36 inches

Walking Denver-SOLD

acrylic on canvas


The night before Father’s Day 2017, Jesus asked me if I would stay up with Him, and I said yes. So we spent some time together for a while, and then I became aware that there was an angel pacing in my room.  I got up, went into the living room of my house and there were 2 or 3 more angels there, pacing as well.  When I got back into bed, I asked Jesus what they were doing, and He showed me an aerial view of the grid streets of Denver, and there were hundreds of thousands of angels just pacing across the city, through all the streets.  After this, He just started speaking to me, and this is what He said,

"I have shifted atmospheres tonight.  The darkness no longer has the upper hand.  The wave is coming and gearing up for breaking.  My armies are marching, darkness has been put on notice that their time of reigning captivity is over.  The Lion has roared and is coming to rescue and gather my beloveds to Me.  This is a time of radical encounters, a time of refreshment and of bondage being broken off.  This is a time of war against darkness from the peace and covering and direction of Holy Spirit.  There is something different in the air, I have stirred the angels and I am calling man to action.  I do not give you a spirit of fear, but of courage and a sound mind.  I am your sound mind in the midst of battle!  I am your sound mind in the midst of chaos and war!  I am your sound mind when you can't think straight!  I am your sound mind when words rail against you!  Doubt can only hold you back for so long because your strength in Me is so much stronger than you ever believed!

The time of honor has come for those who have the Psalm 119 heart (taken from Psalm 119:49-64).  Those who have made Me their portion, who have sought my face.  And for those who have not found it yet, this is the time of unearthing and finding.  This is the time of veiled things coming unveiled.  This is the time where the Bride is presented to her Bridegroom, the time of intimacy and love that is beyond convention or politeness.  This is the time of the hidden, being found and the lost finding the path again.  It is a time of honor being place upon those whom it has been stripped from."

It's like the lights have been planted, and it has taken time to situate them, but Jesus is about to throw the light switch and turn everything the darkness thought was in its grasp upside down!  Addictions will be broken off, distributors will find a lack of clients, the sex trafficking industry will hit resistance that it never has before.  Families will be reconciled in this wave, in this movement, and fathers specifically will take up the mantle of leadership and kingly love and care for their families. 

"This is not a coincidence that this is breaking on the eve of Father's Day because that is one of the areas the darkness has hit as hard as it can.  Who can enter a house with a strong man living there, and rob the place without first tying up the strong man?  Fatherhood is about to take the next step in the physical and I am ready to call into the action the gifts that I have placed in my beloveds.  Men, women and children, coming into their callings with the ease of breathing.  Never through striving, but through profound and deep connection to what I am doing"

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